Have a yard or less of fabric that you cant find a use for? Looking to make a gift for someone? Here's an easy project that even the newest at sewing can make. I decided to make mine when I realized that I was in need for some new cloths to cover my rising bread this fall/winter. Yes I'm already thinking about winter. I can not bake in the Kansas summer heat so I look forward to it. Part of being frugal is starting early so you can spend less then everyone else. My fabric choice is some extra quilting fabric I found on clearance. I'm not crazy about this pattern but I really wanted the fall flower fabric that came with it for an apron. Waist not, want not. So I'll make something I need with it.
You will need:
- Fabric 1 yard can make 4. More if your looking for a Handkerchief. You can wash your fabric or if you don't mind a little shrinkage and prefer to sew on fresh stiffer fabric go a head.
- Thread that ether matches or contrasts. I recommend matching if you wish to embroider later go ahead.
- Sewing needle or machine. I'm the hand sewing type. Something to keep busy wile you cuddle on the couch with hubby on a cold winter night.
- Scissors
1) Start by cutting to the size you want. I evened the salvage edges and cut into 4 even peaces. About 20.5 x 19 Mine will shrink some in the first wash as I prefer when not making clothes just to work with the fabric nice and fresh. Starch would work well for making the fabric stiffer but these are made to be used and starch lessons the strength for fabric.
3) Mark along the edges top and bottom
4) Ad a line connecting the tops of the guide lines you just made.
5) Cut the resulting triangle off.
6) Fold down folding the edge in half. a 1/2 inch edge will become 1/4 and a 1/4 a 1/8th inch. Press edges to keep in place as you sew.
7) Sew together. Start and end your thread under the edge and no knots will be visible.
8) Sew all edges And repeat at all corners.
9) If you wish to embellish you can add embroidery and or ribbon/lace.
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